RanizuRel™ (Ranibizumab) - LifeSciences
- AbcixiRel® (Abciximab)
- AdaliRel® (Adalimumab)
- BevaciRel® (Bevacizumab)
- ChorioRel® (r-hCG)
- DarbeRel® (Darbepoetin)
- EtanerRel® (Etanercept)
- FostiRel® (FSH)
- InflixiRel® (Infliximab)
- MIRel® (Reteplase)
- OmaliRel™ (Omalizumab)
- Peg-ReliGrast® (Peg-GCSF)
- RanizuRel™ (Ranibizumab)
- ReliBeta® (Interferon beta-1a)
- ReliFeron® (Interferon α)
- ReliGrast® (GCSF)
- ReliPoietin® (Erythropoietin)
- RituxiRel® (Rituximab)
- SomatoRel® (r-hGH)
- TenecteRel® (Tenecteplase)
- TrastuRel® (Trastuzumab)
- DenosuRel™ (Denosumab)
- DenOsteoRel™ (Denosumab)
- GolimuRel® (Golimumab)
- UstekiRel® (Ustekinumab)
RanizuRel™ (Ranibizumab) is a recombinant humanized IgG1K isotype monoclonal antibody fragment that selectively binds to inhibit biological activity of human vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A). It is produced in an E.Coli expression system and has a molecular weight of 48 kilodaltons.
RanizuRel™ is indicated in Neovascular (Wet) Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and administered by intravitreal injection. It is recommended to administer RanizuRel once a month (approximately 28 days). The intravitreal injection procedure should be carried out under controlled aseptic conditions.
RanizuRel™ is sterile, preservative-free, clear colourless to pale yellow solution available in 0.5 mg dose single-use vial.